Lars Kalnajs
Lars Kalnajs is the Principle Investigator for the FLOATS instrument and Co-Principle Investigator for RACHuTS and LPC. He has lead the instrument development efforts and will guide the launch, commissioning and operation of the University of Colorado Instruments.

Terry Deshler
Terry Deshler, PI of RACHuTS, will provide scientific lead for the instrument team and provide the main interface between the RACHuTS team and CNES.

Doug Goetz
Doug Goetz is the instrument scientist and post-doctoral researcher for FLOATS and RACHuTS. He has shared in the development of the University of Colorado instruments and has led the laboratory and field validation efforts.

Alex St Clair
Alex is the software architect for the LASP instruments and a graduate student in aerospace engineering at the University of Colorado at Boulder.

Sean Davis
Sean Davis will be providing analysis of near real time satellite and meteorological data during the campaign, and launching NOAA frostpoint hygrometers to provide validation of the water vapor measurements from RACHuTS and two other Strateole 2 water vapor instruments.

Joan Alexander
Joan Alexander is the principal investigator at NWRA and will combine the different observations to study tropical waves and their impact on large-scale atmospheric circulation and cirrus cloud formation in the tropical tropopause layer.

Martina Bramberger
Martina Bramberger is a research scientist and will analyze the observations regarding tropical waves and their impact on cirrus generation and large-scale atmospheric dynamics.

Jennifer Haase
Jennifer Haase is the principal investigator for the GNSS radio occultation experiment that seeks to measure temperature oscillations in the lower stratosphere caused by vigorous thunderstorm activity that contribute to energy transfer in climate models.

Bing Cao
Bing Cao is a postdoctoral researcher at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, seem here carrying out flight tests of the ROC2 receiver on board he hurricane hunter aircraft in 2018.